42 Lyon: a Campus That Will Seduce You

42 The Network
3 min readNov 16, 2022


Discover 42 Lyon, the second campus to be established in France, in an attractive city with a lot of opportunities to be seized.

Located next to the Alps, the city of Lyon is ideally located to take advantage of all the charms of France in less than two hours. A cultural and cosmopolitan city, it is also and above all a true gourmet capital: Lyon’s international reputation is reflected daily in its cuisine. The city has the most restaurants per capita in France, where you can eat traditional, simple, and flavorful food.

The city is also attractive to many international companies and workers. Many large pharmaceutical and digital companies have chosen Lyon to establish their headquarters, as well as many international organizations. The city also has an array of smaller companies, driven by public authorities.

“Lyon has over 100,000 students and three major universities. It is one of the most popular and pleasant cities to study in France. It offers a wide range of training programs and many jobs. In the digital sector, it is estimated that there is a shortage of around 6,000 developers in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region alone: career opportunities are there for 42 alumni.”

Caroline Le Brun, Director of 42 Lyon

Following its launch in 2017, 42 Lyon chose a hybrid public-private model to pursue its development. Its first sponsor is the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, which funded the opening of the campus. Many companies also support 42 Lyon through sponsorship, in return for which they are allowed to take part in numerous events to meet students.

The campus itself recently moved to the outskirts of the city, into a building capable of accommodating 750 students: the Campus Région du numérique (Digital Region Campus). 42 Lyon is literally in the middle of the forest. Nature surrounds it: thanks to its bay windows, the atmosphere changes with the seasons and the weather, making it possible to relax with the birds or admire nature after a storm.

“The Campus Région du numérique is a place where digital players from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpe region can meet. It brings together company headquarters, consortiums, research laboratories, FabLabs, and of course training. Numerous professional visits are organized, with each one of them taking the time to make the detour to 42 Lyon to meet our students and see our expertise.”

Caroline Le Brun, Director of 42 Lyon

42 Lyon’s 1000 square meter campus currently consists of two large computer clusters. Students also have access to all the infrastructure of the Campus Région du numérique: outdoor facilities for relaxing or having fun, as well as common areas such as the catering. Numerous activities are also organized alongside Signe et Formation, two of the other tenants of Campus Région du numérique. These notably consist of workshops to learn to code with sign language.

“42 Lyon is the only 42 campus in the world where wilderness meets digital. Only here can you code and then take a break barefoot in the grass next to rabbits and deers!”

Caroline Le Brun, Director of 42 Lyon



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